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We believe the church is called upon to meet needs in its community and express God’s love in ways that open doors to share the Good News of the Gospel. Outreach follows the model that Christ left for us in meeting the needs of the community. Jesus teaches us that we are responsible to minister to the weak, hurting, hungry, sick, naked, incarcerated, etc. He states, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me’” (Matthew 25:35–36, esv). Let us not forget that the “the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45, esv), and that we are to follow His example.


Here are a few of the missions we support:​


We also have a passion for ministry right here in our own city. Whether through community service projects or visiting our local nursing homes and police and fire stations, or other opportunities that arise to reach and serve the local community, we are always up for ways God might stir one of our hearts to make a difference right here in our community. 




Worship is such a vital part of not only our service, but also our daily walk with Christ. The call to worship is life-changing.  Our worship is an outward expression of what’s going on in the inward heart of man and our lives should be a reflection of worship, lived out for the world to see and take notice that something is different about us.


Small Groups is a way to spur individuals to Worship, Connect, and Serve within the congregation. Our Small Groups gives us the opportunity to meet with other members and get to know them on a deeper level.


Please check out our Facebook page for all of our small group sessions.

Member testimony

" Crew 2:22 to me is such an amazing place to hang out! I like to hear and give testimonies and learn about God."

— Delaney Age 11

We believe anyone can be changed by the story of Jesus.  We want every person to KNOW GOD, FIND COMMUNITY, MAKE DISCIPLES, and CHANGE THE WORLD.



595 E 350 N

WARSAW, IN 46582


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